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#335975 - If it looked hungry, she would hurry to bring it food - always people food, never dog food, because dog food was for bitches like her, not for her superiors. That if she visited family members, and they had a dog, and it looked horny, she would find herself down on the floor offering her cunt to it, as she cried with humiliation and her family looked on in horror. Each session they would pair Laura with a male dog - different each time, so that she learned dogs generally were her superior rather than any particular one - and they taught her to be attentive to its needs.

Read Live Tooi Kimi ni, Boku wa Todokanai Indo Tooi Kimi ni, Boku wa Todokanai

Most commented on Live Tooi Kimi ni, Boku wa Todokanai Indo

Good hentai
Very nice can you let him cum on your hair please
Ruri miyamoto
This this is the content
Boa marigold
She really suck that huge dick oh my
Incredble pulsing clit